What do you think about 69 ?

Welcome to our site dedicated to the exploration of position 69. It is a site that will allow you to know the different variants of position 69 for more pleasure during sex. This position is ideal for a pleasure to two.

Perfect position

To flourish in your sex life, you have to discover other positions and other games. Position 69 is a perfect position for both partners to take their feet. This practice involves simultaneous oral sex between the two parties. Clearly, the woman performs a blowjob and the guy cunnilingus. The excitement rises at the same time and as the oral sex. The partners also enjoy at the same time. This position allows couples a complete connection during sex. You will find on our website information on the various practices related to the 69 to allow you a total ecstasy during sex. We will suggest various ways to spice up even more 69

Pleasure with two

A couple often reaches enjoyment when partners get their feet at the same time. The simultaneous evolution of desire allows sex to take on more and more importance. It allows sexual fulfillment. The more the woman is excited, the more his actions will be felt by the man with more pleasure and vice versa. The pleasure to two is accessible with the 69 position. We present in our site the different positions that can be taken for the 69. Some variants stipulate that the woman is above the man following a precise posture. Each type of 69 allows couples to perceive a different sensation. It is possible to vary it according to the desires. Therefore, we will describe for you each aspect: the posture that can be standing, sitting or lying, and others. For novices in this field, you will find in our site detailed information to allow you to appreciate the 69 from the first practice. We will guide you through advice on the practice of oral sex as its application in position 69. Oral sex will be a fucking pleasure for you. Even if it does not involve penetration, you will have the same and perhaps even more pleasure to practice this sex.
